A spam filter is a software app that is installed on a POP3/IMAP server and ‘scans’ all incoming emails to prevent any unasked-for ones from entering a specific inbox. A few instances of such emails would be: offers for pills or cash, fraudulent banking statements or email attachments that contain malicious code sent with the intention to infect your PC. Spam filters typically ‘scan’ the content of an email and if they spot some keywords or other dubious content, they either delete the email message or re-send it to the Junk/Spam folder instead of the Inbox folder. Some companies combine their own spam filters with up-to-the-minute databases from spam-detecting organizations, so as to guarantee higher levels of safety for their customers. Such databases include patterns, email server IP addresses and other information about spam email messages recently uncovered by these organizations.
Spam Filters in Shared Hosting
The security of any email account that you set up in a shared hosting account with our company is guaranteed by the advanced SpamAssassin email filter that we employ. You can enable it through the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel and it comes with 5 security levels based on the spam score it gives to each and every email depending on various parameters, such as the frequency of particular words, the sender, etc. If you keep receiving spam messages, you can always increase the level or if you are scared that you may miss a legitimate email message, you can mix the automatic email filter with a custom one and redirect all email messages from a given sender to some other mailbox. If you reach the decision that you no longer want an email filter for a particular mailbox, you can deactivate it with only several clicks.
Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you take advantage of one of our semi-dedicated servers, you won’t have to worry about junk messages filling up your mailboxes all the time, as you can take advantage of the famous SpamAssassin spam filter that we offer with each and every account. Our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel will allow you to enable the filter for any mailbox with a few clicks and you can pick one of the five protection levels – from very high to very low. The level can be altered at any moment if, for example, authentic emails get blocked, or if junk email messages go through and appear in your inbox. To be on the safe side, you can choose all filtered messages to be forwarded to a special mailbox like spam@your-domain.com and not to be erased. Thus, you can check them every now and then to make sure that you haven’t omitted a legitimate email message.