Server Side Includes (SSI) is a common server-side scripting language, which is used to add the content of one file within another file. It's utilized primarily with online content and it could help make a static HTML site a lot more dynamic. If you'd like to have a daily quote displayed on a few pages within your site, for example, you can make a text file and switch the quote in it every single day. All the web pages where this file is incorporated are going to show the updated quote, so you will not need to edit every one of them personally every single time. SSI may also be used to incorporate the output of basic functions as opposed to a static file - for instance, the viewer's IP address, a hit counter or perhaps the present time and date. In this way, you can make your internet site look more professional and a lot more attractive to the website visitors. Web pages that employ SSI get a .shtml extension.
Server Side Includes in Shared Hosting
Since our customized cloud hosting platform supports Server Side Includes on a global level, you'll be able to implement this feature with all of the shared hosting plans we have and incorporate dynamic content to your websites with a couple of mouse clicks. SSI can be activated for every specific domain name or subdomain by placing an .htaccess file in the website folder with a couple of lines of code. Certainly, you do not have to turn into a developer for that since the required code can be copied from the Help article that we have related to Server Side Includes. If you wish to utilize this feature for your website, you have to rename your site files from .html to .shtml and you have to double-check if all of the links on your site point to the current names.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers
It won't take you more than a minute to enable Server Side Includes in case you have a semi-dedicated server plan from our company. If you decide to enable this function, you need to make an .htaccess file in the root folder for the domain or subdomain in which you need SSI to be active. In this file, you need to copy some code, which you can get in the FAQ article that we have devoted to SSI. You will find the latter inside the Help area of your Hosting Control Panel, so you don't need any prior experience with such things. The only two things you ought to take care of are renaming all of the pages that will utilize Server Side Includes from .html to .shtml and updating all of the links on your website, to make sure they point to the updated files.